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TMC Student Feature: From Shy Kid to Top Hospitality Student

Updated: Jan 28, 2023

Growing up as ‘the shy kid’, one would not expect Cecilia Lee to take interest in joining the hospitality and tourism industry, a dynamic and highly social work environment. Since Cecilia commenced her Higher Diploma in Hospitality and Tourism Management studies, she set out on a 6-month internship at Holiday Inn Singapore, and presented a speech at this year’s graduation ceremony, as a recipient of the Outstanding Student award. We speak to Cecilia in this interview where she opens up on how her learning experience at TMC has helped with her personal breakthrough.


Cecilia Lee, Outstanding Student, Higher Diploma in Hospitality & Tourism Management, TMC Academy

TMC: Why did you decide to pursue your studies in the field of Hospitality?

Cecilia (C): Since I was young, I was a shy kid. I was really unsure if I wanted to join this industry, but I challenged myself and thought, ‘Why not?’ It was a good opportunity for me to open up by interacting with so many different people in the industry.

TMC: How did you come to know about TMC and the programmes offered here?

C: My father was the one who suggested studying at TMC. He told me that the school was established since 1981 and it received a lot of awards since. So I searched for the official website and found out that they offered the programme I was interested in.

TMC: How did this programme from TMC stand out from the rest?

C: I chose TMC because they offered an internship programme. There are good internship options such as Intercontinental Hotel Group, which includes Holiday Inn Singapore, the hotel where I had my 6 months internship.

Cecilia Lee doing her internship at Holiday Inn
"Cecilia is ready to work full time in an organisation. She is self-driven with lots of passion in achieving results."

– Nur, Cecilia’s Internship Supervisor at Holiday Inn Singapore

TMC: Share a memorable experience in class/ school and why is this special and meaningful to you.

C: The most memorable experience in school was when we went on study field trips to places such as Little India and Singapore Art Museum. We learnt a lot of different things while having fun.

MC: What are some of your favourite subjects and why? How do you think these subjects will be relevant and useful for your future and/or career?

C: All the subjects are interesting since they each taught us useful skills and knowledge that we can apply in our future jobs. For example, one of the modules taught us about the legal aspects in hospitality and tourism, and provides us with solutions for problems that we might face.

TMC: What did you learn at TMC and how has that changed your life?

"Studying at TMC definitely helped me to grow into a more mature and positive person. The lecturers helped me a lot during my studies and made sure to check up on me regularly during my internship, which felt really nice."

– Cecilia

TMC: What are your ambitions for the future?

C: I have a job right now, but I’m trying to find another suitable role in the hospitality and tourism industry. If possible, I’d also like to pursue my bachelor’s degree in the future, with the money that I save up through my job.

TMC: Share with us your views on the importance of education.  

C: Education plays a major role in our lives. It provides us with the knowledge on the important things in life, like our career and character.

TMC: Any special thanks to people who have inspired and helped you during your course of study in TMC?

C: That would be my parents and my close friends. Without their help, I won’t be who I am today. So thank you, Mom, Dad and my best friend, Theresa. I would also like to thank the lecturers who guided me through the course and my course mates who helped me during my studies at TMC Academy.


For more information on our Hospitality programmes, drop us an email here or visit the following course links:

Enjoy reading about our students’ learning experience? Check out other interviews here:



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