How old is your son? He might not have benefited from the high school programme anyway. Because the main focus here is on academic disciplines, I reckon. So if you are really interested in Rugby, you could check a page for touch rugby in Singapore that we chose when we needed something like this for our own son.
QFC Fitzwalter
Jan 14
Good, but no Rugby for some reason. I wanted to find something for my son, he is yet too young, but I still thought you could have something available...🏈
How old is your son? He might not have benefited from the high school programme anyway. Because the main focus here is on academic disciplines, I reckon. So if you are really interested in Rugby, you could check a page for touch rugby in Singapore that we chose when we needed something like this for our own son.
Good, but no Rugby for some reason. I wanted to find something for my son, he is yet too young, but I still thought you could have something available...🏈