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Infocomm Technology – a Catalyst for Career Success | TMC Academy

Updated: Jun 30

The information and communication sector (Infocomm) comprises various sub-industries, including telecommunications, digital media and information technology. This sector is experiencing rapid growth and expansion due to several factors:

Higher Diploma Business, Infocomm Technology

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

As AI becomes increasingly prevalent in our daily lives, the demand for professionals with expertise in machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing is skyrocketing. In the infocomm sector, AI will continue to expand in areas such as chatbots, customer service, and fraud detection, underscoring the ongoing requirement for professionals with expertise in these areas.

Cloud and Mobility

Cloud and Mobility are another emerging trend. Companies are adopting a network of remote servers hosted on the Internet to store, manage, and process data instead of using a local server. As a result, there is a growing demand for professionals with expertise in cloud and mobility, such as sysops engineers and automation and orchestration engineers.

Agile IT Ecosystems

Organisations are embracing the future with Agile IT Ecosystems, such as the DevOps / Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) models. These models are designed to foster team collaborations and boost productivity, leading to the emergence of exciting job roles like DevOps Engineers within organisations.

Given the rapid changes in this sector and the emergence of new roles, now is the time to boost your career by studying Infocomm technology through TMC Academy.

Higher Diploma in Business Infocomm Technology (with six months Industrial Attachment)

In a rapidly growing and evolving sector, students need to study at a college that keeps current with emerging industry trends and technologies. This is why studying at TMC Academy makes good sense.

Four things in particular stand out when studying through TMC.

The course is industry-relevant

The TMC Academy Industry Advisory Board (IAB) is comprised of external industry members whose role is to review and ensure the continuous improvement of the curriculum to align with industry practice and emerging trends. This ensures that students studying for the Higher Diploma in Business Infocomm Technology are equipped with industry-relevant skills when they enter the workforce.

Networking opportunities are provided while studying

Studying through TMC Academy also provides students with networking opportunities within the sector while they complete their studies. For example:

  • TMC has built strong partnerships with IT companies, allowing students to work on industry projects. This is an invaluable opportunity for students to apply the theory they are learning to practical work examples.

  • TMC also has a Student Chapter membership with the Singapore Computer Society (SCS), which allows students to benefit from the society’s extended professional network.

  • Students are also encouraged to attend industry workshops and events, which provide valuable insights from industry experts and enhance their learning beyond the classroom.

Academic pathways to assist students who wish to study the Higher Diploma course

Entry to the Higher Diploma course is available to students who are 17 years of age or older and have any of the following or equivalent:

  • Obtained at least an E at GCE A level in any two subjects

  • TMC Diploma/Foundation Diploma

  • International Baccalaureate Diploma (at least 24 points)

  • NUS High School Diploma

  • Polytechnic Diploma

  • Diploma (in Accounting / Business / Management / IT / Computing / Hospitality / Psychology) from Private Education Institutions (assessed on a case-by-case basis)

Students must also have English proficiency with any of the following or equivalent:

  • At least a C6 at GCE O English

  • Completed a Diploma or equivalent where the instruction is in English.

  • Pass an online English test and interview with the Dean/HOD/designate.

TMC also has a pathway for mature-age students who wish to study for a Higher Diploma but do not have any of the above entry requirements. Providing applicants have eight years of work experience, this will be considered instead of a Diploma.

This is an excellent opportunity for mature-aged workers who want to re-skill to work in an exciting and growing sector.

Entry qualifications for international students are similar, and information can be found here.

The course is available on a full-time or part-time basis

Sometimes, it can be challenging to study full-time. Family or other work commitments mean that full-time study is not feasible. TMC, acknowledging this is a dilemma for many people who wish to do further study, offers the Higher Diploma on a part-time basis three evenings per week.

This flexibility means people can continue to meet their obligations and responsibilities while at the same time studying to advance their careers.

Modules of learning

The Higher Diploma develops and produces graduates who are well-versed in and knowledgeable about the critical skills required in the sector.

This is important because the sector is seeking professionals who can assist in navigating the rapidly changing digital landscape. With Singapore being a key player in the 5G market, this landscape will continue to change, particularly as 5G technology provides new opportunities in areas such as self-driving vehicles and smart cities. In this emerging environment, professionals with the knowledge, skills, and experience to take advantage of these new opportunities will be in demand.

Recognising the demand for skilled professionals, TMC has ensured the modules students complete provide them with the knowledge and understanding to prepare them for roles within the sector.

Core Modules

Students study the following core modules

  • Project Management

  • Fundamentals of Database Systems

  • Software Development with Java

  • Systems Analysis and Design

  • Development of Dynamic Web Sites

  • Network Operating Systems

  • Net Development with C#

  • Android Programming

  • Fundamentals of Object-Oriented Programming in C++

  • Industrial Attachment – this is a six-month paid internship program with one of the leading companies in Singapore.

There is also an elective module – Cloud Computing Concepts for students to complete.

The Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector is rapidly changing. As mentioned above, with the increasing adoption of AI, Cloud computing, and agile IT ecosystems, many routine and repetitive tasks are being automated, reducing the need for employees to carry out the work.

Positions that are most likely to be impacted are ones like:

  • Applications Support Engineer

  • Associate Operations Centre Support Engineer

  • Associate Security Analyst

  • Associate Systems Support Engineer

  • Infrastructure Engineer

  • Infrastructure Support Engineer

  • Network Engineer

  • Operations Centre Support Engineer

  • Quality Assurance Engineer

  • Quality Assurance Manager

  • Quality Engineer

  • Quality Manager

  • Security Operations Analyst

  • Systems Support Engineer

As these roles become redundant and decline, professionals must reskill themselves to remain relevant in the rapidly evolving sector.

For professionals already employed in the ICT sector who want to ensure they have up-to-date knowledge and skills and for students looking to enter the Infocomm technology sector, studying for the Higher Diploma in Business Infocomm Technology is a great way to achieve your career goals.

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