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Higher Diploma in Business Studies with Human Resource Management (6 Months Industrial Placement) | TMC Academy Singapore

An effective human resource manager is crucial not only for the success of a business but also for the significant impact they can have on the lives of staff by creating a positive work environment.

Higher Diploma

HR management is often complex and challenging. However, the Higher Diploma in Business Studies with HR Management at TMC Academy stands out as it equips HR practitioners with the skills, knowledge, and understanding to thrive in their roles. This unique program offers a blend of practical experience and theoretical knowledge, making it a valuable investment in your HR career.

While complex and challenging, HR also offers opportunities for innovation and making a difference. If you possess good communication skills, enjoy creating a collaborative work environment, and are passionate about assisting people to achieve their best, then a Higher Diploma in Business Studies with HR Management could be the perfect fit. This program will enhance your skills and prepare you for the dynamic HR sector in Singapore.

Exciting challenges in the HR sector in Singapore

The HR sector in Singapore is facing several exciting challenges

1. Seasonal COVID cases and the ongoing balance of hybrid work models

While many businesses have recovered from the COVID pandemic, COVID continues to circulate within communities and mutate, with different strains of the virus impacting firms and companies.

As a result, work practices that balance remote and in-office work requirements continue to evolve to ensure businesses meet their targets while maintaining employee well-being. Companies recognise that in some situations, offering flexible work arrangements can increase job satisfaction and productivity for their staff. Balancing remote and in-house work requirements often requires a skilled HR practitioner's strategic thinking and problem-solving capability.

This ongoing evolution underscores the need for continuous learning and adaptation in the HR sector. The Higher Diploma in Business Studies with HR Management at TMC Academy is designed to prepare students for these dynamic changes, giving them the confidence to navigate the evolving HR sector in Singapore.

2. Economic Uncertainty and a surge in the cost of living

In November 2023, the Economist listed Singapore and Zurich as the two top cities for cost of living expenses. The increasing cost of living not only impacts businesses but also impacts workers.

Companies must manage budgets effectively while maintaining employee satisfaction. For employees, the rising cost of living, including rent, fuel, food, and power, is a source of stress that can lead to feeling de-motivated or seeking additional sources of income. A lack of motivation and trying to work two jobs can impact a person’s mental well-being, quality of life and productivity.

This is where an HR practitioner with the skills of active listening, coaching and advocating for employees' well-being can make a real difference in the workplace.

3. Competitive Job Market

In a previous blog, we discussed the competitiveness of the Singaporean labour market. In 2024, Singapore is the most competitive economy in the labour market.

The competitive job market can make attracting and retaining top talent challenging. The HR practitioner can work with the company to ensure competitive salaries, flexible work arrangements, and career development opportunities are provided to attract new talented employees.

The other essential role for HR practitioners in a competitive job market is ensuring that talented staff are retained and not poached by different companies. This allows the HR staff to provide courses that will upskill and, where necessary, reskill existing employees to enable them to remain relevant, capable, and committed to their workplace.

4. Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI)

Fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace is crucial for several reasons.

  • A diverse workplace that combines different perspectives, experiences, and ideas leads to more creative solutions and innovative problem-solving approaches.

  • A diverse and inclusive workplace makes better decisions. This is because they consider a more comprehensive range of perspectives and potential impacts, leading to more effective and well-rounded decisions.

  • An inclusive workplace has improved employee morale and retention. When employees feel valued and included, they are more likely to be engaged and committed to their work, leading to higher job satisfaction and lower turnover rates.

  • A diverse and inclusive workplace generally has an enhanced reputation. Companies known for their commitment to diversity and inclusion often enjoy a better reputation among customers, clients, and the public, leading to increased customer loyalty and business success.

One advantage of studying at TMC Academy is that it is a multicultural campus that practices diversity, equity, and inclusion. This gives the student completing the Higher Diploma in Business Studies with HR Management the practical experience of operating and learning in a culture that supports these values.

The education and qualities of a good HR Practitioner

Given it is an exciting time to be in the human resource sector in Singapore, what qualities and education are necessary to equip the HR practitioner?

Qualities of an HR Practitioner

We have spoken about some qualities an HR practitioner requires to succeed in their workplace. These include:

  • Active listening skills to create a safe environment where people can talk about the things that concern them.

  • Good analytical skills to analyse problems and develop a range of solutions.

  • Problem solving. This can include the ability to navigate conflicting demands and manage priorities to achieve successful outcomes.

  • The ability to work well with others. Teamwork and getting along with a diverse range of people are essential for a successful HR practitioner.

  • Understanding the importance of wellbeing. Part of the role of an HR Practitioner is to ensure procedures and systems are in place that will promote the well-being of employees. Hence, they must understand and apply the principles of well-being to their own lives.

Education of an HR Practitioner

While the above qualities are essential for an HR Practitioner, these qualities must be developed and refined by the education the person receives.

This is where the learning environment provided by TMC Academy is crucial. It offers an industry-based approach that benefits new HR Practitioners.

Industry-Based Approach to HR

There are three aspects to the industry-based approach of TMC Academy. These are

1. Industry Advisory Boards

2. Academic Learning

3. 6-month Industry Attachment

Industry Advisory Boards

The Industry Advisory Board reviews the TMC curriculum to ensure it is industry-relevant. This is essential, particularly in an area like HR, where new laws and regulations are often introduced or existing laws are amended. The Industry Advisory Board ensure the curriculum keeps up with any changes so that graduates receive the most up-to-date education and information on HR laws.

The Industry Advisory Board also tracks emerging trends in business, which means that when students graduate, they are aware of the emerging and future trends within a sector such as HR and can contribute positively to their workplace.

Academic Learning, Higher Diploma in Business Studies with Human Resource Management

The modules of learning in the Higher Diploma are

Core Modules

• Marketing for Managers

• Accounting

• Statistical Techniques for Business

• Business Economics

• Business Law

• Business Finance

• Business Strategy

• Industrial Attachment (6 months)

• Introduction to Management

• Business Communication and ICT

Elective Modules

• Human Resource Management Strategy

• Developing People at Work

• International Human Resource Development

The modules ensure that students enter the workforce with a strong foundation in the knowledge and skills necessary for success in the HR sector.

Industrial Attachment – six months

In the Industrial Attachment, the solid academic foundation and the individual student's qualities are sharpened so that on graduation, the student is fully prepared to become an HR practitioner and be successful.

The Industrial Attachment allows the student to gain practical experience within the HR sector while still receiving guidance and support from lecturers.

TMC Academy supports students preparing for their placement, including assistance with CV writing, interview preparation, and briefings about working in the HR sector.

TMC Academy's approach means that upon graduation, students are fully prepared to enter the workforce and positively contribute to their workplace in the HR sector.

If HR is the area you want to work in and make a difference in employees' lives, contact TMC Academy here to take the first step in your career.

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