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The General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level (GCE O Levels) is an internationally recognised qualification offered by the Cambridge Assessment International Education (CAIE) and other examination boards. In Singapore, the O Level examinations are a critical milestone for students, assessing their proficiency in various subjects and serving as a gateway to further education, such as Junior Colleges, Polytechnics, or Institutes of Technical Education (ITE). 

The GCE O Level results in Singapore are assessed using a scoring system known as L1R4 (Language 1 and 4 Relevant Subjects) for Junior College admissions and ER1B4 (English and 4 Best Subjects) for Polytechnic admissions. These systems ensure a balanced evaluation of language, humanities, and science/math competencies. Our preparation course is tailored to help students excel in these subject combinations, ensuring they achieve the best possible scores to secure their desired academic pathways. What do we offer? At TMC Academy, we provide a comprehensive support system to ensure students are fully prepared for the GCE O Level examinations. Here’s what we offer: 

  1. Pre-Course Consultations: We offer optional pre-course consultations to help students align their academic goals with the right subject combinations. This ensures that students are on the best pathway to meet their educational aspirations. 

  2. Hassle-Free Examination Registration: We take the stress out of registering for the GCE O Level examinations by managing the entire process for our students. Upon successful completion, students will receive recognized certificates that open doors to further education and career opportunities. 

  3. Support for International Students: For international students, we provide step-by-step guidance and assistance with their student pass application. Our dedicated team ensures a smooth process, helping students navigate the necessary procedures with ease. 

At TMC Academy, we aim to provide a seamless experience for all students, allowing them to focus on achieving their best results.

Preparatory Course For Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education (O Level) Examination - 1 Year


Full-Time : 12 months


Jan / Feb /Mar / Apr / May / Jul / Aug / Sep / Oct / Nov / Dec

Awarded By:

TMC Academy



O Level

Programme Overview

The O level Examination Preparatory course awarded by TMC Academy is designed to help students in preparing for the Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level Examination (‘O’ Levels).

Upon completion, students will sit for the Singapore–Cambridge General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level Examination, which is conducted annually. Awarded by the Ministry of Education, the certification will allow students to apply for admission to polytechnics in Singapore as well as overseas institutions.

TMC Preparatory Course for the Singapore-Cambridge GCE ‘O’ Level Examinations includes an elective module that prepares students for another similar examination, the Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE).

IGCSE is the one of the world’s most popular international qualification for 14 to 16 year olds. It is recognised by leading universities and employers worldwide, and is an international passport to progression and success. Students who wish to study outside Singapore after ‘O’ level may choose to take the elective module, IGCSE Preparation.

Course Information


Entry Requirements

Course Fees (Local)

Course Fees (International)

Repeat Students (Local)

Repeat Students (International)

Request for a program brochure
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