Preparatory Course for International English Language Testing System (IELTS)

In the IELTS Preparatory Course, students will refine their language skills in reading, writing, speaking, and listening in preparation for the IELTS exam. During the course, students will be taught the format and structure of the exam, as well as important exam strategies. It is recommended that students take the Advanced English classes before taking the IELTs course.
As an official referral agent for IELTS, our students have access to exclusive benefits and support. We also pride ourselves on the quality of our teachers and our class size. Our smaller size means heightened teacher/student interaction.

Full-time : 2.5 months

The IELTS course curriculum focuses on:
Familiarization with the IELTS exam
-Question types
-Scoring system
-Understanding directions
-Vocabulary building
-Core grammar
-Independent learning strategies
Strategies for successful test-taking
Time Management
Developina abilitv in the four skill areas
-Writing — interpreting questions, organisation,
-Description of charts, tables and graphs
-Reading techniques and strategies
-Listening — note taking
-Speaking — pronunciation, intonation, expressing opinions, asking for clarification
Activities included in the IELTS course include:
Practice exams throughout the course
Feedback based on results
Personalized instruction based on needs
Topic-based instruction
CALL (computer based language learning)
The course is assessed according to IELTS standards. Students who participate in the class fully and take the practice exams will receive a certificate of completion.

Entry Requirements

Course Application Fee: $100.00
Course Fee
Tuition Fee: $7,600.00
Other Mandatory Fee
Assessment Fee: $1,300.00
Course Material Fee: $600.00
Medical Insurance: $160.00
Fee Protection Scheme (FPS) Fee: $72.45
Total Course Fee Excluding Application Fee: $9,732.45
Fees indicated are in SGD and exclusive of GST.
All information stated is accurate and effective as at 15 January 2024.
Course Application Fee: $100.00
Course Fee
Tuition Fee: $7,600.00
Other Mandatory Fee
Assessment Fee: $1,300.00
Course Material Fee: $600.00
Medical Insurance: $160.00
Fee Protection Scheme (FPS) Fee: $72.45
Total Course Fee Excluding Application Fee: $9,732.45
Fees indicated are in SGD and exclusive of 9% GST.
All information stated is accurate and effective as at 15 January 2024.

Course Fees (Full-day)

Course Fees (Half-day)
Course Application Fee: $100.00
Course Fee
Tuition Fee: $1,600.00
Other Mandatory Fee
Assessment Fee: NIL
Course Material Fee: $200.00
International Student Admin Fee: $650.00*
Medical Insurance: $90.00
Fee Protection Scheme (FPS) Fee: $22.94
Total Course Fee Excluding Application Fee: $2,562.94^
· Fees indicated are in SGD and exclusive of 9% GST.
· All information stated is accurate and effective as at 1st Feb 2025.
^ 3 hours of lessons and club activities.
* International Student Admin Fee is charged once for bundled courses. Students not on bundled course will be charged an additional $381.50 (inclusive of 9% GST) International Student Admin fee if they progress to the next course