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Course Transfer, Withdrawal and Deferment

The Student Movement Policy covers Course Transfer, Course Withdrawal, Course Deferment and Course Intermission. This policy applies to all programmes offered by TMC Academy except for programmes jointly offered with partner institutions which may be separately governed by the respective partner institutions regulations beyond the purview of TMC Academy.

Course Transfer

A transfer is defined as when a student changes the course or mode of study from Full-time to Part-time, vice versa, but remains a student of the school.

Student must fulfil the admission criteria of the new course and is subjected to TMC’s student selection and admission procedures. Student Pass holders are subjected to ICA’s approval of their new Student Pass.

Upon approval of transfers, the existing student contract will be terminated, and students are issued a new student contract for signing based on the procedures for executing student contracts. Upon approval of transfers, the existing student contract will be terminated, and students are issued a new student contract for signing based on the procedures for executing student contracts.

Module Transfer

Module Transfer refers to transfer of module from one term to another.

Students will need to inform TMC in writing and all applications are subjected to approval, as the examination sitting pattern may be affected. Administrative fees apply.

Course Withdrawal

A withdrawal refers to discontinuing a course prior to the completion of the course.

Students who wish to withdraw must fill up a Student Movement Form at the Student Services Counter.

Student will receive a letter confirming the withdrawal to inform student upon approval.  For international students, student passes will be cancelled within 7 working days upon approval of the withdrawal.

Course Intermission

An intermission is defined as a postponement or delay of a student’s course or module with the school. The maximum duration for intermission granted is 6 months. Any special requests for more than 6 months for course intermission will be subjected to approval by the school.

Student may request for course intermission by filling in the Student Movement Form. Student will be informed of the outcome in writing by formal letter.  Course intermission admin fee applies.

Course Deferment

A deferment is defined as a postponement or delay of a student’s course with the school prior to the start of the course. The maximum duration for deferment granted is a 1-year duration from the date of commencement.

Application Fee and any course fees paid to TMC can be transferred to the deferred intake if the deferred commencement date is within 1 year from the original commencement date.

The application fee paid will be forfeited and any course fee paid will be refunded based on the TMC Refund Policy if the student defers the commencement date beyond 1 year.

Application for deferment will be processed and completed within 4 weeks from the date that all the required documents are received. If the Application Deferment is rejected, a Letter of Rejection will be issued by the Registrar or designate.

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